The Republic of the Congo Foreign Minister Thierry Moungalla has made an official statement on the social media platform X (Formerly Twitter) regarding the rumours on Telegram of a coup underway in the Central African Country. He has branded the reports that a coup is underway in the country as "Fanciful information and denies the rumours as "Fake News". He has reassured the public about the calm that reigns and invites people to do their usual activities. Rumours have been circulating in various outlets and on social media that the leader of the presidential guard, Serge Oboa, may be attempting to use the current absence of the president, Denis Sassou Nguesso, in the country to launch a coup. President Nguesso is attending the UN general assembly in New York, and Oboa may be using this opportunity to gain government control. President Nguesso is one of the longest-serving leaders in Africa, and tensions have been high over the past few years. With the president out of the country, it is possible that Oboa may be attempting to take advantage of the situation by trying to seize control of the government. Although there is no confirmation of any coup, the speculation is rampant in various outlets and on social media, and many are keeping a close eye on the situation.
However, French media have already begun refuting the information about the supposed attack in France. According to the reports, there was no evidence of a terror attack, including no photographs or videos. This is a conflicting report, as the initial reports stated that there had been a terror attack. What happened to confuse is unclear, as there is no solid evidence yet to back up either information. It is possible that the initial statements were false or that the people who reported it were mistaken. Either way, waiting for more evidence before jumping to conclusions is essential. Reports suggest the Congo has been relatively calm, with no signs of proven conflict between the government and the military. Comments are closed.
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